Thursday, June 22, 2006

John Davison's challenges to Darwinian evolution

1. Name any two species, living or fossil, and present convincing evidence that one is ancestral to the other.

2. Name a younger mammal than Homo sapiens. Incidentally, for the Fundamentalists, Homo sapiens is definitely a mammal and he did have animal ancestors, despite the "inferences" suggested by the title of Dembski's forum - "Uncommon Descent."

3. Name a new genus of plant or animal that can be proven to have originated in the last two million years.

4. Present evidence that any organism "gradually" evolved into a new member of the same genus or of any other taxonomic category.


Alan Fox said...

Just one point, John. No living species can be ancestral to another. Evolutionary theory claims modern species have common ancestry.

Alan Fox said...

Hi jujuquisp

Do you have any particular axe to grind? You initially seemed quite sympathetic to John's views. Or was I mistaken?

JohnADavison said...

Alan Fox blew it when he mistitled this thread. I have presented no challenge to evolution whatsoever. I am a convinced evolutionist and always have been. This is typical of what has been called "the big lie technique," which is to present a blatant falsehood and then cultivate it to death. I expect a new title for this thread and if it is not forthcoming I will not proceed. Got that Alan? Write that down and do as I request if you expect anything reasonable from me.

There will be no battle between David Springer and myself. I have nothing but contempt for him or any one else who employs his tactics of character assassination and professional hypocricy. Just as I am not allowed to exist at Uncommon Descent, his world, so he does not exist in my world which is in the published evolutionary literature, a place where you will never find his lord and savior, Reverend Dembski either. I doubt Dinger will even surface here and if he does it will probably be behind one of his many cowardly aliases. I can guarantee it will not be with his real name. He is ashamed to disclose it and made me promise not to disclose it at EVC. Can you imagine such cowardice? I didn't there but I already have here, but I prefer the version Spravid Dinger myself as a gesture of my contempt for him and his ilk wherever you find them.

My challenges were to the Darwinian Godless, randomly generated, pointless, aimless version of evolution that represents now, as in the past, the basic position of the Darwinian fairy tale.
My position with respect to creative evolution may be summarized in a single sentence:

"A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable."

By creatve evolution I mean the generation of true new species or any of the higher taxonomic categories from genus to phylum to kingdom. There is not a shred of evidence for even a new genus in the past two million years or an experimentally verified new species in historical times. Those are a couple of the challenges that remain unanswered at EvC's "showcase" forum and probably will here as well.

Now if yopu expect any further particiation from me you will change the title of this thread or I am out of here. I have another paper to publish and I have no interest in wasting my time with just one more another flame blog which you are already cultivating by allowing jujuquisp and jeannot to vent their ignorant insulting spleens. Alan Fox is on trial here not I. Got that? Write that down!

I also have no respect for anyone who must delete his own comments. That is one of Spravid "hit-and run like hell" Dinger's favorite ploys. I presume that Alan Fox knows who that was. Would he be willing to disclose it? It is disgusting and the earmark of a clinically disturbed personality. So is the compulsive cowardly use of aliases.

There now, I feel somewhat better.

Alan Fox said...

Alan Fox blew it when he mistitled this thread.

Choose a title then, John.

Alan Fox said...

Is that better? See I added "Darwinian".

Alan Fox said...

BTW John, I didn't see that comment before it was deleted. Also the point of this blog is to allow all who wish to comment to do so, even David Springer (who has, in fact, posted, quite civilly, on another thread.

JohnADavison said...

Thanks for the new title. If this is going to be just another flame fest as you are allowing it to become, I see no point in my further participation. So you see you have blown it right off the bat. If you had any intention of a civil discourse you would delete jujuquisp and jeannot immediately as I already have at my blog. Neither of them knows anything about evolution or they would address the challenges I have presented. They are also denizens of "After The Bar Closes" so what can one expect.

Sorry Alan, but you are going to have to do a lot better than this to command either my interest or my respect. Have a nice flame war. You win and I quit. Does that make you feel better?

JohnADavison said...

By the way I said any two species fossil or extant. Also your statement indicates that we are in complete agreement. Words have meaning. Use them with more care or not at all.

It is hard to believe isn't it?

R0b said...

Summary: JAD joins the discussion, fires off several paragraphs of insults and condescending ultimatums, then leaves because the discussion has turned into a flame war.

Thanks for stopping by, John.

JohnADavison said...

Congratulations on your "neutral" venue. You have just become Falan Ox (once again) right along with Spravid Dinger, Esley Welsberry, Dichard Rawkins, Dilliam Wembski, Dillip Phonson, Gephen J. Stould, Mernst Ayr, Wonathan Jells, Richael Muse and of course the originator of the biggest hoax in the history of science, Darles Charwin, not a scientist in the lot!

It is hard to believe isn't it?

"A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable."
John A. Davison

"You can't make chicken salad out of chicken droppings."

"You can lead a man to the literature but you can't make him read it."

I love it so!

Alan Fox said...

John, you, (and anyone else), are welcome to post or not post as they wish, (obscenity and spam excepted).

Remember, it was David Springer I would have really liked to have heard more from. I posted on your blog because I know he reads it from time to time.

Anyway, best of luck promoting that
PEH, though I think you could use a little PR help.

JohnADavison said...

Inever begged anyone to readmit mwe to their shabby forums. I only demanded that I be retunred as a contingency for further participation. I also demanded that Spravid Dinger return my papers to Uncommon Descent. I'm happy as a clam that he refuses. It was EvC that invited me back to "Showcase" and it is Falan Ox that invited me to post here. Get your facts stright next time before you make a damn fool of yourself again.

I don't give a fig what any of you nitwits do anyway. I do this sort of thing for recreation. Ban me. That is the only way anyone has ever been able to silence me and there is always another half wit who thinks he can embarrass me.

"There are more horses asses than horses."
anonymous, like your cowardly alias.

What a bunch of cowaradly, homozygous "prescribed" losers you all really are.

I love it so!

JohnADavison said...

Falan Ox

Where do you find these lobotomized morons? They can't even begin to respond to my challenges because they are illiterate idiots. This is not a "neutral" forum. It is a "neutered" forum populated by a bunch of brain dead anonymous cowards and intellectul eunuchs, not a scientist in the lot, nothing but a herd of sociopathic out patients.

Darwinians of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your natural selection."
after Karl Marx

Carry on with your silly experiment. It gives me great pleasure to see the lengths that Darwimps are forced to descend in order to preserve the biggest hoax in the history of science.

I love it so!

R0b said...

JAD: That is the only way anyone has ever been able to silence me...

No kidding. Knowing when to shut up is a social skill that JAD definitely lacks.

JAD: ...and there is always another half wit who thinks he can embarrass me.

But the half wit always finds that JAD beat him to it.

JohnADavison said...

You aren't second class, you aren't even third class, you are totally classless.

I love it so!

JohnADavison said...

Evolution isn't even going on any more dummy! Wise up or shut up.

Alan Fox said...

From John's own blog:

Falan Ox

Thanks for banning me from your pathetic little flame pit. You have now joined with Dilliam Wembski, Esley Welsberry and M.P. Zeyers as just another muddle headed cowardly ignoramus. Neutral forum my ass!

I love it so!

John, let me repeat:


Now, write that down!

Alan Fox said...


Could you not moderate your language a little.

JohnADavison said...

Falan Ox

I do no promote the PEH and never have. Wembski and Welsberry are the promoters of their hamstrung views of the universe. They have to in order to survive because neither has ever published a single sentence dealing with the mechanism of organic evolution. Neither have you nor anyone else that clutters up the internet with their ignorant drivel. I enter the idiotic arena of cyberdom in the same spirit that I publish my papers. It is to enlighten not to promote. Only con artists and snake oil salesmen like Dilliam Wembski and Dichard Rawkins have to resort to promotion. I thought everybody knew that by now but apparently not.

I relish, even gleefully deliberately provoke, this kind of garbage treatment. By responding so beautifully, you all, especially you and Spravid Dinger, have become invaluable "promoters" of a new hypothesis for organic evolution. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Please don't stop because -

I love it so!

DaveScot said...

jujuquisp is an anesthesiologist in Wisconsin by the name of Jesse Van Bommel. Since when did gas mask jockeys become scientists?

Not that I've got anything against anesthesiologists. As far as being something resembling a medical doctor goes it's a really clean way to get paid like a doctor. My wife manages an eye surgery practice and the cutters proclaim eye surgery to be the cleanest medical profession. Not compared to adminstering anesthesia! But I would guess they wouldn't consider an anesthesiologist to be a real medical doctor probably placing them somewhere between dentist and chiropractor.

Alan Fox said...


Is it necessary to reinforce others' prejudice about you?

jtownsend said...


I posted a comment to you on John Davison's blog only a few minutes ago. I think many of the comments here and at PT confirm my appraisal.


jtownsend said...


>>I got my PhD in 2004, left academia last year and have published only one fewer peer-reviewed scientific paper in those 20 months than he has in the last 25 years.<<

Which means that you haven't published much since Davison is 78 years old, and the majority of his work was done probably before you were alive.

>>And I didn't even have to submit them to fourth-rate European creationist-edited journals.<<

Well, where are these great publishings? What subject?

Alan Fox said...


Sorry, my mistake. You are welcome to re-post here or would you like me to start a thread for you? If so, post it on the suggestions thread and I'll paste it.

JohnADavison said...

biogeer, a cowardly alias I presume.

Gregor Mendel punblished only 13 papers in his entire careeer only three of which were biologocal yet he revolutionized biological science. I too would like to see your publications but the coward thatyou appear to be would have to reveal his identity wouldn't he? I am also willing to bet that they are all or nearly all multi-authored, if they exist at all that is. Put up or shut up and be specific as to your identity. Otherwise, as far as I am concerned, you do not exist. You won't anyway come to think of it. Got that? Write that down.

Bye bye.

jtownsend said...


Thank you for that invitation.

I am currently reading one of the works recommended by John Davison, namely Basic Questions In Paleontology by Otto Schindewolf. This is very readable book that can be, I think, understood by the layman. If you wish, perhaps we could begin a discussion or review of this book.

Thank you,


Alan Fox said...


Might I suggest a brief review from you on the content and merits of the book would be a good subject for a thread. If you would like to draught something and post it in the suggestions thread, I will paste.

JohnADavison said...

I see DaveScot, David Springer of course, is once again engaging in character assassination his favorite pastime when away from his Lord and Savior Reverend Dilliam {Bible Codes) Wembski. His mindless comments have nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of this thread which is my four challenges to Darwinian mysticism. Of course no other comments do either. So what else is new in the wonderful world of cyperspace? This is just another flame blog where nearly every poster is intent only on makimg a perfect irreversible fool of himself and succeeding in glorious fashion. Of course I must exclude both johndarius and myself but so far not a single soul more.

Naturally -

I love it so!

JohnADavison said...

I see that between the two of them, jujuquisp and DaveScot have managed to hijack this thread with their idiotic personal vendettas toward one another. Obviously neither one has any character at all! This sort of mindless diversionary tactic personifies this blog as near as I can see.

44 comments so far and no one has yet offered a single rational response to the challenges I have presented. My conclusion is that they can't. The only reasonable conclusion one can draw is that those that resort to such tactics are without any moral or ethical fiber whatsoever and are genetically (prescribed of course) incapable of admitting it!

"Pigs is pigs."

"A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable."
John A. Davison

I love it so!

JohnADavison said...

I abandoned Larry's pig sty after being invited there only to be invited to this pig sty. What is the difference? Stys is stys. Pigs is pigs. I am about to abandon in disgust another pig sty where I was invited to participate. One pig sty after another pig sty ad infinitum and not a rational response from any of them. I must be doing something right don't you think? No of course you don't think. That's the whole point.

"Where all think alike no one thinks very much."
Walter Lippmann

Am I good or am I good! Don't stop because naturally -

I love it so!

JohnADavison said...


Who said I was referring to THIS pig sty? I have no intention of leaving this amusement park, this hog heaven, this bottom of the intellectual barrel. Not a chance. I am having too much fun here dealing with morons like yourself.

Stifle yourself Dingbat!
Archie Bunker

JohnADavison said...

I sure can't quarrel with that. Thank you very much whoever you really are, something we will never know I am sure. Don't stop as -

I love it so!

Alan Fox said...

OK, John, I'll bite. Homo ergaster is ancestral to Homo sapiens. The correct thing now would be for you to provide evidence which refutes my assertion.

JohnADavison said...

Not a chance. I do not suffer fools!

JohnADavison said...

It is always gratfying to have the last word.

Alan Fox said...

I see what you mean. :p