Intelligent Design: The Scientific Evidence.
Lord Timothy on another thread says "Now that the media spot light has been dimmed, more research is able to be done without huge public controversies and court hearings over every sneeze that IDists make."
There are many who would like to hear about "more research" or, in fact, any research.
Anyone with information about any possible, planned or ongoing research (preferably scientific) that is relevant to the "hypothesis" of Intelligent Design, please post it.
For evidence, both direct and indirect and labeled as such, I refer you to my paper A Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis.
"You can lead a man to the literature but you cannot make him read it."
John A. Davison
What a moronioc blog.
I love it so!
I refer you to my paper A Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis.
You may have misread the OP, John. I was asking about scientific research relevant to Intelligent Design.
I recommend everyone follow Chris's link. Nice work!
Intelligent Design is not an hypothesis. It is a self-evident feature of every aspect of both the animate and inanimate worlds.
The only question is the nature, number and present existence of the Intelligent Designers, none of which in any way detract from the absolute necessity of their past existence. The failure to demonstrate a God or Gods is quite beside the point.
"Everything is forces over which we have no control."
Albert Einstein
I regard the word "determined" as a synonym for "prescribed."
What say others or would they rather not say?
"A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable."
John A. Davison
William Paley was right on! How do you like them apples?
Born in 1743, and from 1776 to his death, employed in the Church of England, first as rector, finally as sub-dean of Lincoln Cathedral, "Paley is best remembered for his contributions to Christian apologetics. In 1802 he published Natural Theology, or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity collected from the Appearances of Nature, his last, and, in some respects, his most remarkable book. In this he described the Watchmaker analogy, for which he is probably best known. He died on the 25th of May 1805." (Wikipedia)He was also a prominent abolitionist.
I can agree with John that Rev. Paley seems to have been an all round good guy. He was not, however, a scientist but a minister of religion and his beliefs were of his day and coloured his perceptions.
Whilst his writings seem to be influential in the area of philosophy, they are not (nor i suspect, intended to be) any kind of scientific work, and certainly not based on any kind of scientific observation.
Falan Ox just doesn't get it. There can be no design without a designer which is basically Paley's position.
Sorry Ox but as usual you are dead wrong.
I love it so!
Falan Ox just doesn't get it. There can be no design without a designer which is basically Paley's position.
I am sure that was Paley's position; being an eighteenth-century clergyman, that not being his position (that God created the world) would be surprising.
You claim to also believe in his philosophy. (although you seem to lack his sense of humour)which is perfectly fine by me.
However, what was believed or espoused by eighteenth-century clergymen is hardly scientific evidence for a supernatural intelligence or two to have designed living organisms.
Do you see, John, that I am trying to distinguish belief from observation, philosophy from science?
One reason that people lose interest in engaging with you is that you do not appear able to comprehend the points people are making in their posts, let alone respond to them in any meaningful way.
Falan Ox
You still don't get it do you. You don't exist, you are a nothing, a less than nothing. You are negative. Your blog is a joke.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
I love it so!
Hey Falan Ox and all his goofy friends. I just let it all hang out over at Larry's Blog. Read it and weep. God am I good or am I good?
I love it so!
God am I good or am I good?
No, John, just harmlessly deluded.
Falan Ox
If I am deluded why has Denyse O'Leary invited me to rejoin Uncommon Descent? I just posted my first comment there but it hasn't appeared yet as everything is moderated. If you are lucky it won't show up but I wouldn't bet on it because it is frightfully antiDarwinian. By the way, are you banned there still or is it yet? I forget. You are so forgetable you know.
I love it so!
Falan Ox and company
Well, my little message appeared. How do you like them apples?
I hope they give you gas and a rip-roaring case of the runs!
I love it so!
I belong to no organization and if you had an ounce of common sense or any knowledge of my internet history you would know that.
I have been banned from more forums than Pott L. Scage, the man with a thousand aliases. I have been banned twice from Uncommon Descent alone. I am proud to say I have been banned for life and denied even viewing at ARN. been banned from EvC, Panda's Thumb, Pharyngula, etc, etc, ad nauseum. How many have you been banned from you cowardly little anonymous twerp?
This blog is really hard to believe isn't it?
I love it so!
I am not honored to be back at UD at all. I fully expected it once that creep Spravid Dinger was history. I am amazed it took Dembski so long to realize what a liability he was. I always had supporters at UD and always will have no matter what happens. It was one of them that requested my return once the blowhard was gone. Dembski should be honored that I am posting on his forum. I was publishing evidence for Intelligent Design when he was still presenting it as an "inference."
I love it so!
anonymizer sounds an awful lot like Spravid Dinger aka the Texas hog - Sus springeriana.
I love it so!
Hi Nicholas
I am happy to post such a topic. Would you like to flesh it out a little and I will start a thread. Post here, on the suggestions thread or email me (via blogger) and I'll paste it as a thread topic.
Re JAD, now he has his new platform at UD, I'm sure we'll get lees from him here. I just noticed my own Freudian typo. I wonder whether it will be more lees or less.
If you look back to the original thread on this blog, I wanted to see if inveterate trolls like JAD could be given freedom to post as they saw fit, and whether such freedom would generate some responsibility. Whilst his posts can be annoying, I have only had to delete two posts for obscene content (both from JAD) so far.
Falan Ox
Every word you write is obscene.
i love it so!
Sorry, Nicholas,
Profile amended, try now.
I own ths blog
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