Recent Posts at John Davison's Blog
Alan Fox said...
Salvador on Uncommon Descent
my sincere apologies to Dr. John Davison, he notes at the EvolutionAndDesign weblog:
I proposed that marsupial and placental mammals were reading the same “prescribed” information as part of my recent paper - A Prescribed Evolutionary Hypthesis.
A Prescribed Evolutionary Hypthesis. was yet another pro-ID peer-reviewed paper that explicitly mentions ID.
Comment by scordova — July 13, 2006 @ 11:46 am
It's a shame that you are unable to participate in the thread, John. There is a parallel thread at ARN, but are you still unable to view there? I could start a thread on my blog on the subject and see if we could stir up some interest.
Come on, you know you want to.
8:52 AM
Salvador T. Cordova said...
On a purely technical note, I noticed you have only 1 thread going here at your website and at your old one.
Do you need technical assistance enabling multiple threads?
That would enable you to only have a few comments with each thread to deal with, and you won't have to start a new website every time.
If you start a thread on the Cornell ID Class at your old website "PrescribedEvolution", I'll be more than happy to reference it at IDEA GMU blog.
I will however direct all commentary to your weblog where you can moderate comments.
Because I consider you, Bill Dembski, and DaveScot my friends, I would prefer not to take sides in disputes. We all have a common opponent in the Darwinians, and I would rather focus my efforts at helping young minds see the truth at our nation's university.
I'm a creationist, and it has taken a while to warm up to your PEH. I hope you'll forgive the slow process, but I'm by nature cautious to accept new ideas, even sound ones.
Regarding, D'Abrera you might find this intersting:
He and Richard Sternberg (a double-PhD and also a victim of the Darwinians at the NCSE) collaborated on a periodic table of butterflies.
They were able to predict the morphological characters of species which had not even been discovered, and one can guess how exciting it was to eventally discover these predicted species in the field later on!!!!
9:06 AM
DaveScot said...
It's a dirty rotten shame that John couldn't abide by the rules at Uncommon Descent.
People get banned there for being stupid, unoriginal, inflammatory, trollish, proselytizing, insulting, lewdness, or cussing. John's unforgivable sins were only in the last two categories.
9:38 AM
Alan Fox said...
DaveScot says:
People get banned there for being stupid, unoriginal, inflammatory, trollish, proselytizing, insulting, lewdness, or cussing. John's unforgivable sins were only in the last two categories.
You omit to mention people being banned for disagreeing with whatever the current policy is on any particular day, such as when you decide ID has nothing to do with religion. It is also difficult not to be unoriginal WRT to ID considering the paucity of original ID material that there is to discuss.
9:54 AM
Thanks for the headsup!
I see this thread contains a few gems from John (starting at comment 9) and he gets a comment from Professor MacNeill:
I have just finished a preliminary reading of Davidson’s paper, and having worked my way about a third of the way through West-Eberhard’s Developmental Plasticity and Evolution (2003), I can find nothing in Davidson’s paper that cannot be explained using fairly basic principles of evolutionary development (especially homeotic regulation and plasticity of phenotype responding to environmental change). I will write up a more detailed analysis and comparison of the relevent concepts and post them here (and at The Evolution List) in the very near future.
Comment by Allen MacNeill — July 13, 2006 @ 4:06 pm
There seem to be many who cannot see the Emperor's (not-so-)new clothes.
I've printed it off, Chris, for reading tonight. Thanks for the info.
There now, I feel somewhat better.
I'm pleased about that, John.
Just to clarify, other than posting at AtBC and very occasionally at PT, I have no connection, and have never had any contact with Dr. Wesley Elsberry, other than a couple of responses to my posts.
I have stated this quite clearly before, John, and would appreciate you not repeating false statements about Dr. Elsberry having any input into my actions.
As I guess you will be deleting this I will copy and post on my own blog.
Sorry, the previous post related to:
Now that Salvador has witnessed my request that Falan Ox and Spravid Dinger stay out of this blog, we will see if either one of these low life trash will comply. They are each nothing but hired goons whose sole purpose is to protect the interests of their respective lords and masters, Esley Welsberry and Dilliam Wembski, from being exposed as lightwights by the only published evolutionary biologist in the whole damn internet. The rest are mostly nothing but closet Bible-waving, seat-hurdling Fundies and chance-worshipping atheist Darwimps.
There now, I feel somewhat better.
I love it so!
3:37 PM
on John's blog.
Falan Ox
You sure are a glutton for punishment.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
I love it so!
Also thanks for keeping me and my PEH up front. God are you stupid!
I love it so!
God are you stupid!
I just feel you should have every opportunity to get your message about your PEH across, John. You think I am stupid to allow you to promote your PEH here?
However, I have to say, on balance, so far at least, you don't seem to have convinced many that it has any scientific merit.
I do not post on internet forums and flame pits like this one to convince anyone of the merits of the PEH. That is for journal publication where the PEH now resides for all time. I visit intellectual latreens like this one to expose and insult deranged egomaniacal ideologues like Falan Ox, Esley Welsberry, Pott L. Scage, M.P. Zeyers, Dilliam Wembski, Richael Muse, Dichard Rawkins. Spravid Dinger, Mernst Ayr, Gephen J. Stould, etc, etc, etc. There are hundreds of you. I have explained the criteria I employ in identifying you on my blog.
Internet activity is for me nothing but a form of therapy.
The PEH will still stand when Darwinism and Lamarckism have joined the Phlogiston of Chemistry and the Ether of Physics as just two more figments of an overactive undercritical human imagination, silly little footnotes produced by mindless little minds.
You see folks, there never was an external cause for phylogeny just as such a cause never existed for ontogeny as well. Got that? Write that down.
"A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable."
John A. Davison
I love it so!
As for the blog introduced by nicholas trevor, I am now denied participation there as I recall. So much for that cowardly blog.
Incidentally, it was Pim van Meurs who asked I be bannnished. You may remember Pim as the one whose employer forced to take an ethics course some years back because of his thoroughly unethical activities. I don't believe he is allowed to post at "brainstorms" any more as I haven't seen him there for quite some time now. I still am posting there and I recommend that forum for a rational discussion of my PEH and all that it implies. You sure won't get one here or at -
"A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable."
John A. Davison
Yes, John, I've seen your posts there. You don't seem to draw much response other than irritation from your fellow posters, though Zachriel, for example, is much too polite to let it show.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
I love it so!
Chris Hyland. You got it. You get an A+ and you used the right word -
"Science commits suicide when she adopts a creed."
Thomas Henry Huxley
A creed is a dogma in case you don't realize it and apparently you don't. Good for you.
Thanks for posting.
i love it so!
Well, Chris, clearly you are part of the conspiracy.
Chris Hyland and doppelganger, aka Pott L. Scage too. What a pair of losers.
Of course everybody thinks my hypothesis is wrong. That does not make it so!
"All great truths begin as blasphemies."
George Bernard Shaw
Ergo - The Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis.
Naturally -
I love it so!
I am not a nice person or haven't you noticed? I also am not a congenital damn fool.
I am not a nice person or haven't you noticed?
Eveyone's noticed, John.
I also am not a congenital damn fool.
Some are born fools, some achieve foolishness, and some have foolishness thrust upon them.
"Chris Hyland and doppelganger, aka Pott L. Scage too. What a pair of losers."
Hi John, old - and I mean OLD - pal!
You are always so pleasant and down to earth.
Your writings are ever so filled with useful, relevant information.
Say - are you running for Governor again?
No but I am considering nomination to the National Academy of Sciences as soon as Darwinian mysticism bites the inevitable dust which is any day now.
Go play with yourself Pott L. Scage. No one else wants anything to do with you. Your blog is a disaster as any fool can see.
I love it so!
remember the "my mother wouldn't like it" rule.
Your blog is a disaster as any fool can see.
So if you can see it, you must be a fool, John.
As the nec plus ultra of incompetent bloggers, there seems more than a little projection here.
My blog is now largely free of two of the biggest mindless bullies in the history of the internet, Falan Ox and Spravid Dinger. Why Falan Ox tolerates me here is a mystery as I want nothing to do with him myself which I thought I had made reasonably clear. He is to Dawkinsian, Darwimpian "snake oil" what Spravid Dinger "used to be" to Dilliam Wembski's closet "Fundiementalism."
I love it so!
Speaking o popularity as a function of frequency here is the present breakdown of activity at your blog.
Recents posts at John davison's blog.
(30 messages)
John Davison's sources.
(65 messages)
Professor Davison's creed.
(43 messages)
John Davison's challenges to Darwinian evolution.
(57 messages)
195 messages? Naturally I am not only delighted -
I love it so!
My blog is now largely free of two of the biggest mindless bullies in the history of the internet, Falan Ox and Spravid Dinger.
Your blog is now largely free of anyone except John A. Davison.
Why Falan Ox tolerates me here is a mystery...
As I said before, John, you are my experiment. You are welcome to post as you wish here, obscenity (my mother's standard) and spam (this could include mindlessly repetitive posts)excepted.
"No but I am considering nomination to the National Academy of Sciences..."
I don't believe you can nominate yourself, John. And I sincerely doubt that anyone that is competent in the sciences will take up that torch.
"Go play with yourself Pott L. Scage. No one else wants anything to do with you. Your blog is a disaster as any fool can see."
What do you mean by disaster? I don't advertise it, I only post comments once in a while. I never intended it to be another Pharyngyula - I have neither the time nor desire to do so. You make the erroneous assumption that I wantred to have one of those uber-blogs. Like yours, perhaps. Where there is one post and hundreds of replies, almost all of which consist of you insulting people.
What a great example you set, and I dopubt I or anyone else could match such a feat.
As far as playing with myself, well, I could make a Viagra joke, but why bother?
It is hard to believe isn't it?
Spravid Dinger sabotaged my blog with his repeated lies to such an extent that I gave it to him to do with as he chooses. I don't really need a blog as I publish my evolutionary views. So far he hasn't taken advantage of my generosity.
I love it so!
Judging from his pathological behavior on my blog, I would have to say that Spravid Dinger is a candidate for either a straight jacket or a rubber room. What say others?
I must be doing something right to evoke such responses. He is my greatest ally.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
"A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undeniable."
John A. Davison
Alan Fox emailed me with racial hate
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